Sunday, November 16, 2008

National Rubbish Day!

Today is the day you've all been waiting for! The day when the whole world comes together as a community to strew there waste all over the city. Children stayed up late last nite in the traditional vigil on the eve of this special day in hope that they may be so lucky as to spot a Trash Fairy flying about spreading the joy of humanities stupidity. Trash Fairies Memer & LaLa were a part of the festivities. The vintage enfants were spotted in the Glasnevin area dispersing empty bottles and broken cans ''We feel its important to be a part of such a beautiful event, Its refreshing to see such diverse denizens celebrate together in a giant caravan of stench and love'' said Memer. Ex-Part-time Taoiseach Bertrard Ahern also had a few words to contribute on the subject '' My Great-Grandfather was a bag of litter so I can really relate to this'' I think its fair to say everyone had a brilliant day and are already looking forward to next year. Children all over the world will be playing with dirty napkins and used cigarette butts, relishing in the knowledge that thier elders can provide them with enormous amounts of useless debris and crap.

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